Monday, March 28, 2011

"Walk Me Home?"

My grandson has a serious crush!  He can even tell you the exact time he met his crush.  She only lives across the street from us.  Now usually when my grandson is here visiting, they get to play together.  Recently they had a "play date".  This is meerly an innocent way to get together and play at a specific preset time.  The 'date' was a hit and had a great time.  They played a game of "Frog" and laughed and giggled.  It was a delight to hear their laughter.  Then it was time to go home.  Well, when my grandsons little friend asked if he would like to walk her home to which he replie, 'no thanks'. (he is very polite!)  However, he missed his opportunity to see his 'crush' to the door.  As my husband overheard the conversation, he pulled my grandson aside and said, next time a girl asks you to walk her home, you seize the opportunity and walk her home!  Such innocence ~  did I mention he's six years old?  Well that will someday be advice I'm sure he'll listen to with all ears but for now, this Nona is perfectly content to know that he is polite and knows how to say 'no'.  (snicker-snicker!)

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